
Turning around an existing school can turn around a community and an entire generation of learners.

When a school is failing, every student is affected. It can change their outlook on life, their opportunities for the future, their hope and their self confidence.

We know it takes an entire community of dedicated, strategic, passionate thinkers to help turn around a school that is struggling. And we’re proud to have been part of just such groups several times in recent years.

We have been the voice for change and the leadership that urges action on behalf of our kids. We have worked closely with stakeholders, community leaders, families, educators and policy makers to assure that kids in struggling areas have access to exceptional education.

Read more about our work in two school improvement projects; the redesign of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Early College and the Far Northeast Denver Turnaround turnaround project, formally called Denver Summit Schools Network.


Aurora Public School graduation rates have increased from 48% to 65% in four years.

“Quite simply, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Early College would not exist today without their support.”
– Michael Gaither, President and CEO, EdView Consulting